bail out

suomi-englanti sanakirja

bail out englannista suomeksi

  1. äyskäröidä

  2. maksaa takuu

  1. Verbi

  2. maksaa takuut">maksaa takuut

  3. äyskäröidä

  4. pelastaa

  5. livistää

bail out englanniksi

  1. To secure the release of an arrested person by providing bail money.

  2. To remove water from a boat by scooping it out.

  3. (RQ:Haggard She)Bail out! bail out!' shouted Job, suiting the action to the word.

  4. To rescue, especially financially.

  5. (ux)

  6. {{quote-text|en|date=August 1 2012|author=Owen Gibson|publisher=Guardian Unlimited|url=|title=London 2012: rowers Glover and Stanning win Team GB's first gold medal

  7. To exit an aircraft while in flight.

  8. (quote-text)|title=Character: Profiles in Presidential Courage

  9. To leave (or not attend at all) a place or a situation, especially quickly or when the situation has become undesirable; to abandon (something).

  10. To abandon (someone) when that person faces difficulties.

  11. ''When I got arrested, she bailed out on me.''

  12. To sell all or part of one's holdings in stocks, estate, a business, etc.

  13. To make an unscheduled voluntary termination of an underwater dive, usually implying the use of an (w).

  14. To fail badly; to fall off a skateboard.

  15. To abandon one's surfboard when faced with a large or perilous wave.